Visit el Vendrell

Discover everything el Vendrell can offer you

Pau casals







What is happening in el Vendrell

Year of Guimerà

We commemorate 100 years since the death of Àngel Guimerà and Jorge

The Year of Guimerà is organized by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the town council of el Vendrell, the town that hosts the Casa Museu Àngel Guimerà.

What is happening in el Vendrell

43rd Pau Casals International Music Festival

from 12 to 20 July 2024

El Vendrell will dive into the romantic universe of Pau Casals: “Hear the romantic musicians”.

What is happening in el Vendrell

Great Events

Pa Beneit, popular xatonada, Santa Teresa fair, and much more.

The residents of El Vendrell are hard-working people with a festive soul that explodes when it’s time to celebrate the days that mark the annual cycle.

Resources to discover el Vendrell





Activities for all ages

Enjoy our beaches, hiking trails, cultural tours, and local events. El Vendrell is the perfect place to create unforgettable memories. Whether you’re looking to relax in the sun or explore our historical and cultural wealth, you’ll find everything you need here

El Vendrell tourism Homepage 1
El Vendrell tourism Homepage 2
El Vendrell tourism Homepage 3
El Vendrell tourism Homepage 4
El Vendrell tourism Homepage 5

A town with a green future

The Sustainable el Vendrell

El Vendrell is a destination committed to sustainability: we offer a rich tourist experience that respects the environment. With a focus on preserving its natural spaces, we encourage responsible tourism practices that protect local biodiversity and promote respect for the landscape.

In addition, the municipality promotes ecological activities and infrastructures, ensuring that future generations can enjoy its beauty and resources. Discover el Vendrell, a place where sustainability and responsible tourism go hand in hand.