Great events in el Vendrell

The residents of Vendrell are hardworking people with a festive soul that explodes when it’s time to celebrate the days that mark the yearly cycle. Some typical celebrations of the town have ancestral origins, like the Pa Beneit (Blessed Bread), that is celebrated at the Festes dels Barris (Neighborhood Festivals), at the beginning of July. Other celebrations, despite being more recent, have firmly taken root in the town, such as the Bicycle Festival. In el Vendrell, however, the two big festivals are the Festa Major (El Vendrell Festival), the Santa Anna, and the Fira in October, which has been celebrated since 1829.

El Vendrell Festival (Festa Major)

Held over four days, from 25 to 28 July. Sant Jaume is on the eve of the big celebration. July 26, the festivity of Santa Anna, patron saint of the town, is the most important day of the Festa Major.

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Pa Beneit, Festes dels Barris (Neighborhood Festivals)

July begins solemnly with the festivities of the Pa Beneit (Blessed Bread), one of the most original and characteristic traditions of the town. It is a celebration of medieval origin related to the time of the harvest. Nowadays, it is celebrated during the first week of July, and couples, dressed in costumes specific to the occasion, bless a “coca” bread adorned with carnations. The festival lasts a week and every day there is a walk through the streets of a different neighbourhood.

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Bicycle Festival

It is held on the last Sunday in May. It is a festival full of colour and originality with a multitude of bicycles adorned and decorated for the occasion.

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Summer festivals

Festival of Sant Vicenç de Calders. It is held during the first week of August. The Summer Festival of Sant Vicenç program includes all kinds of playful acts in the street: dances, habanera music, sardinada, shows, etc.

Festa Major de Sant Salvador. August 6th. There is street dancing, a parade and fireworks.

Coma-ruga “Festa Major” Festival. August 15th. There are fireworks, dances, children’s shows, etc.

Festa Major del Francàs Festival. Takes place throughout August. There are a number of events that you can check out in the calendar.

Festival of Sant Ramon Nonat. August 31st. Patró de l’AV of Coma-ruga.

Railway Association Festival. First weekend in August.

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Santa Teresa Fair

It initially took place on October 15, but nowadays it is made to coincide with the nearest weekend in order to make it easier for everyone to visit. It is a multisectoral fair.

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